Gates open: 11:00 am
Founded: 1925
Parking: $7 per vehicle
Weather concerns: Tucson Rodeo is rain or shine
Location of event: Tucson Rodeo Grounds
The Tucson Rodeo is considered one of the Top 25 professional rodeos in the country and has been held at the
Tucson Rodeo Grounds
annually since 1925. Champion cowgirls and cowboys test their skills in six competitive events while the next generation of younger champions test their mettle at the Ram Mutton Bustin' and Justin Junior Rodeo Exhibition events. The Tucson Rodeo has cash prizes exceeding $320,000, making this a high-stakes event. The Tucson Rodeo is so respected that the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame in Colorado inducted the Tucson Rodeo Committee in 2008 for the Tucson Rodeo's contributions to professional rodeo. Even local schools get in the spirit and close on the Thursday and Friday of Rodeo Week. On top of that, locals during Rodeo Week get playfully reprimanded for not being in Western wear while over 200,000 spectators take place in the Tuscon Rodeo Parade. Don your cowboy boots and catch the Tucson Rodeo by picking up your tickets at StubHub.
Prices for tickets vary across the different sections of the venue but are not dependent on the age of patrons. The only exceptions are for children under the age of two that will be sitting on the lap of an adult. These children do not need a ticket.
Each night of the rodeo after the competitions are over, there’s a lively barn dance sponsored by Coors. With live music, themed food and lots of cowboys and cowgirls hitting the dance floor, it’s always a fun time. Entry is $5 cash, and you must be 21 years of age or older to attend.
The Tucson Rodeo features seven competitive events. These are bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling, tie-down roping, team roping, bull roping and women's barrel racing.
In roughstock events, the contestant's score is dependent both on their own performance as well as the animal's performance. In timed events, the score is based on posting the fastest time in the event. Examples of roughstock events include bareback riding and bull riding while an example of a timed event would be steer wrestling.
The kids’ Ram Mutton Bustin' event takes place at 12:30 pm during each day of the Tucson Rodeo. During the Ram Mutton Bustin', kids ages four to six wear protective gear while trying out their skills riding sheep. Every kid participating receives a trophy. The Justin Junior Rodeo Exhibition takes place every rodeo day at 1:30 pm. During this event, boys and girls ranging from ages five to 12 compete in various events including steer riding as well as barrel racing. The winning participant in each event is awarded a special buckle from the Tucson Rodeo Committee.
At the Tucson Rodeo, you will find a variety of things to do between the main events. If you want to get some shopping done, there are many vendors selling Western memorabilia to the more than 11,000 patrons of the Tucson Rodeo each day. There is also a Kids' Fun Zone complete with an obstacle course and slide. The cost for all-day wristbands to the Kids' Fun Zone are $8 and are purchased directly at the rodeo. Another event during the rodeo available to children is the REACh Program (Rodeo Education and Children), the purpose of which is to educate local youth on the historic aspects of the rodeo as well as the American West.