'Hatsune Miku is a unique vocalist who is known by fans worldwide and has well over 100,000 songs to her name. Miku has transcended the confines of the program she was originally meant to be to become a phenomenon among her fans. Like any musician, she occasionally goes on tour to sing many of her songs for legions of adoring fans across the world. Whether you're a dedicated Vocaloid fanatic, a music producer or just someone intrigued by the concept of a virtual singer, you can see Hatsune Miku on stage at one of the many venues she visits.'
'Hatsune Miku is a type of virtual singer known as a Vocaloid. Originally created by the Yamaha Corporation as a voicebank for digital singers, the software took on a life of its own as various companies remixed and put their own spin on this idea by licensing this technology from Yamaha. Miku was the creation of Crypton Future Media as the first in its line of Vocaloid singers. Using vocal samples of actress Saki Fujita as a base, Miku has since taken on a life of her own as thousands of music producers have used her to create music in many different languages.'
'You can purchase tickets to see Hatsune Miku in concert at StubHub. Miku and tons of other artists, performers, plays, sporting events and more all sell tickets at StubHub, providing you with access to some of the greatest shows out there and plenty of helpful information about each event.'
'Miku's concerts are notable for being fairly unpredictable in terms of visual flourish. As a digital being represented through holograms, her concerts tend to make use of heavy hologram and digital effect-based fanfare. It is not uncommon for the look of the concert to change entirely from song to song through clever use of lighting and images on screens, and Miku herself changes costume for various songs in many cases. Similarly diverse is the audience at a typical concert with energetic people of all ages, genders and nationalities coming to see the virtual idol on stage in person.'
'Miku's library of songs is incredibly vast with virtually any of them potentially ending up at a concert. Her most popular tracks tend to be the ones that get the most play. Some of those songs are World Is Mine, Magnet, The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku and Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder.'
'Miku has toured across the world since her concerts first began. While many of them take place primarily in Japanese cities like Tokyo, Miku's concerts have come to cities like Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Taipei and plenty more.'
'Miku's concerts can vary in length depending on when and where they take place, but full shows tend to be around two hours long. Ultimately, this will depend on a number of factors, but the one thing you can always expect is a high volume of songs since Miku's digital nature allows her to sing longer without needing to worry about the same concerns a human performer might have.'
While Miku is the star of the show, it is not uncommon for other Vocaloid singers to make appearances during her concerts. This is especially prevalent due to just how many songs have been created with Miku singing alongside other performers. Additionally, Miku has collaborated with several human artists before. One of the most notable occurrences was when she opened for
Lady Gaga
at the 2014 artRave ball.