Foy Vance tickets

Foy Vance
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Foy Vance

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Foy Vance tickets

'Foy Vance Tour'

'Well known throughout the UK and North America as one of the most ingenious musicians to emerge in the music scene in a good long while, fans spread throughout the country will be pleased as punch to learn that he'll be taking to the stage once again for a string of shows that absolutely can't be missed! No stranger to taking to the limelight and singing his heart out to the tune of his own guitar, Foy Vance seems more at home on the stage than most other artists can ever claim. A true musician through and through, his live shows are testament to his talent and songwriting ability, so make sure that you catch him live when he takes over venues in San Francisco and New York. Giving each coast a musical treat, Foy Vance is making an appearance on each side of the country to satiate his fans' lust for his brilliant music. So if you happen to live in either of the aforementioned areas then consider yourselves incredibly lucky, because you have the chance to see Foy work his magic live on stage.'

'About The Band'

'Born in Northern Ireland in 1974, Foy Vance was raised in Oklahoma for the first few years of his life, as his father was a preacher and traveled through churches of the south. Learning a few basic acoustic guitar steps from his father at a young age, Foy Vance found himself deeply intrigued by the music that surrounded him such as blues, gospel, and soul. While he moved back to his native Ireland when he was five years old, Foy still retained his passion for the American styles of music that he had met with during his brief stint in America. He spent some time in the 90's as the singer of a band, but decided instead to focus on solo endeavors with his trusty acoustic guitar. Performing all across the UK, Foy steadily grew an audience with his distinct sound and lively performances, it wasn't until 2005 that he released his first EP, a six track collection titled Live Sessions and the Birth of the Toilet Tour. The very next year two of his hit singles Gabriel and the Vagabond and Homebird became hot tracks in the US, being featured in an array of television shows and commercials. With the release of another two EP's in 2006, Foy finally released his debut album Hope in 2007 to critical acclaim across the UK, with the single Two Shades of Hope becoming wildly popular. The next few years saw the release of multiple EP's as well as his 2013 album Joy of Nothing with Glassnote Records. The album has seen great success, carrying Foy to new audiences all over.'

'Breakthrough Song'

'Becoming a famous musical artist takes time, and this is something that Foy Vance knows all too well. Spending years touring and performing on the stage eventually worked out for Foy, as he became a well-known live act to look out for, but he didn't reach international acclaim until he began releasing his work. It was with the release of the singles Gabriel the Vagabond and Homebird that Foy Vance found success both in and out of the UK, as the songs were used in shows such as Grey's Anatomy.'

'Foy Vance Trivia'

'Well known for his live performances, it was in 2008 that Foy was invited to do a string of special performances that were unlike anything he had done before. While he had played live in toilet stalls and all manner of venues, Foy hadn't performed live for prisons until 2008 when he was invited to play at prisons across England as well as a maximum security prison in New York. One can only imagine the kind of show that Foy put on for the inmates, and it's interesting to ponder how the inmates received Foy.'

'Fan Experience'

'As soon as you take your first tentative steps into the venue and make your way into the crowd of fans, you'll immediately know that you've made the right decision in heading out to catch Foy Vance perform live. An artist like none other, his music generates a feeling and an atmosphere that simply can't be translated into any recording. While listening to any of Foy Vance's previous works from home, in the car, or in any other way is an awesome experience filled with music that all should hear, seeing him play live is a completely different ball game. And don't be stingy and save this experience just for yourself when there's plenty of people out there who could use a musical change in their life! So if you know of a friend of family member who could use some good music, or even if they already have good taste in music, then make sure to grab an extra ticket when you get yours from StubHub so that you can bring them along and make some fun new memories! You'll have awesome songs stuck in your head long after the show is over, so don't be surprised if you end up dancing because you remembered how good a song sounded!'

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